Propel healthcare innovations to the market
Technology to restore neurological function

The Netherlands is home to an excellent ecosystem of neurotechnology knowledge and business: large, international companies that have found fertile soil here, and startups and SMEs can use the knowledge and technology from closely connected research institutes to create applications for society. NeuroTech-NL unites these stakeholders around moonshot missions to improve the lives of patients with debilitating neurological disorders and contribute positively to economic development, closing the current gap between an innovative concept, validation, and human clinical trials.

The potential applications in neurotechnology are expanding at a rapid pace, prompting the OECD “Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook” (OECD, 2016) to list neurotechnology as one of the ten most promising and disruptive future technologies, in a $14 Billion market

Invest in solutions for society
Strategic partnerships

NeuroTech-NL develops and advises on national programs regarding neurotechnology, neurology and neuroscience, provides a networking platform, and forges and coordinates consortia around funding opportunities that are designed to directly transfer research and technological innovations to the market (e.g., NWO Crossover, LSH-TKI Match Call).

NeuroTech-NL also provides organizational management to several public-private partnership projects in neurotechnology R&D. Our advisory boards include members from patient organizations, the clinic and industry, ensuring a complete picture of the neurotechnology landscape both nationally, and internationally.

Improve patients’ lives with our "moonshots"

By 2025 we aim to have clinical trials involving cortical brain implants for the blind underway, to be able to restore audition for those with cochlear implants in a complex social environment, and be able to use artificial intelligence (AI) to predict epileptic seizures and treatment outcomes. By 2030, we aim to be able to decode language production and facial expressions in patients with locked-in-syndrome (LIS). With these and other ambitions goals, further support is needed to bring these validated solutions into the hands of patients and clinicians.

Scalability and transferability

Growth and pivots to new markets, such as psychiatric disorders – a significant societal burden – are possible due to the fact that innovations in AI, electrode design, and bio-compatible materials are applicable at a general neuroscientific level. Our matrix construction between disease moonshots (verticals) and technological developments (horizontals) creates future earning power by tuning applications towards other disorders – and even non-clinical brain-computer interfaces in the future.

Return on investment

Kick-starter funds from our founding partners, combine with government grants and co-financing from industry and philanthropic support to generate multiplier effects – the core research and development carried out by talented PhD students and postdoctoral researchers is funded, in part, by public investment. Industry gains by developing the business models around subsidized R&D. Our public-private consortium depends on co-financing commitments from various stakeholders who all wish to see societal impact.